- The ten commandments for successful reconstruction of the hip in neglected Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip.
- Revision of failed reconstruction of the neglected DDH.
- Conservative treatment in DDH: Tips in practice.
- Acetabular development in closed management of DDH.
- One stage hip reconstruction in late presenting DDH above 8 years.
- Deciding the appropriate procedure in neglected DDH.
- Case Presentations:
- - Solutions for some hip problems (5 cases).
- - Failed reconstruction of neglected DDH in a 12 year old.

Foot and Ankle:
- Multiple tenotomies after Ponseti procedure in severe rigid club foot.
- The club foot: A new approach.
- Tips and precautions in handling foot deformities.
- Management of the severely deformed, badly scarred foot.
- Management of severe paralytic foot deformities.
- Forefoot deformities and congenital malformations (25 years collection).
- The complicated deformed foot.
- Freiberg infraction: A new surgical technique.
- The arthrogrypotic foot: Aiming at a plantigrade foot.
- The painful foot: The forgotten factor.
- Considerations in the diagnosis and management of flexible flat foot.
- Case Presentations:
- - Tendon injuries about the foot (3 case presentations).
Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction:
- Ankle reconstruction in Fibular Hemimelia.
- Ilizarov in Pediatric practice.
- Case Presentations:
- - Post-traumatic knee instability.
- - Osteogenic lesion of the tibia.
- - Ulnar club hand.

Lower Limb Deformities:
Blount Disease:
- Hemi-plateau elevation in severe Blount disease.
- The guided growth plate.
- Single event acute surgical correction of multiple angular and rotational deformities of the lower limb.
Cerebral Palsy:
- General considerations in the management of Cerebral Palsy.

- The good, the bad, and the ugly in pediatric orthopedic practice.
- Pitfalls in pediatric trauma.
- Remodeling of the forgotten factor in pediatric fractures.
- Recurrent fibrous dysplasia in cortical bone graft.
- Recurrent Osteoid Osteoma of the femur after radical excision for the third time.
- EPOS: European Pediatric Orthopedic Society.
- POSNA: Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America.
- AAOS: American Academy for Orthopedic Surgeons.
- EOA: Egyptian Orthopedic Association.
- EGPOS: Egyptian Pediatric Orthopedic Society
- ASAMI Egypt.